1TRED, aka Juan TRED was untimely ripped from his mother's womb only to be thrust into the spotlight as a regular on The Andy Williams Show. After years of being mistreated as an infant star of stage and screen he set his sights on becoming the best in the world.

Failing miserably at that, he wandered the streets of Provo, Utah for what seemed like an eternity. After an unsuccessful attempt at male modeling, he decide to pursue his first true passion, prostitution.

His inability to count made this job very difficult, and he once again found himself a failure.

It was at this crossroad that he heard that Phil Collins was going to jet across the Atlantic on the Concord in order to play both Live Aid stages on the same day. "That's it!", he thought, "I will become an airline pilot."

Despite rumors to the contrary, as well as multiple sold out live shows and producing countless hits together, he has no idea who TRED2 is.

He currently spends his days counting in a garage by the motor-way.

TRED2, otherwise known as Tred Deux, was born Simon de Phillipe Saint Plume de ma Tante Maupassant--into French nobility, just before the revolution. Everyone in his family was beheaded except him, so he decided to take up residence in a cave in the Himalayas for two hundred and fifty years, during which time he subsisted on damp cave air and blind scorpion sweat.

As you might imagine, this incredible austerity left him with superhuman powers, which he chose to unleash on the world in the form of an almost uncanny disability to play the Farfisa organ.

Upon meeting his archrival and nemesis Juan TRED, just before Live Aid, he swore to avenge the death of his family members by wreaking havoc upon the world of pop music. At first, he swore to wreak havoc upon the perpetrators of the actual killings, but they were already dead.